12-1- Laser Cutter

Laser Cutter Fun.

Tiffany and I created a fun building and nightlight full of people, things, and mythical creatures for our laser cutter project! We decided to create a 3D building from a box. We wanted to decorate the sides with windows with all kinds of things in them. We included curtains, bookshelves, plants, sea creatures, people, an artist painting a hydra, a monster eye, etc. 

Our process: 

1. Creating a template for the box on maker case 
2. Creating a template for the windows so that we used the same dimensions. 
3. We each created two sides of the building. Tiffany created the sides with the bricks and I created the other two sides. I used images of silhouettes from the internet and used the live trace tool to create vector and raster lines. Tiffany drew everything by hand! 
4. Resizing image based on the material. Long thin pieces of bass wood. 
5.  Cutting! 
6. Assembling!

7. Making an LED light (so it wouldn't light on fire with a candle) using an LED and a cell battery 


I really enjoyed this process. There is something so satisfying about laser cutting. I am going to include some laser cutting in my independent study final with Sohee. 
